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All-In San Benito

Cultivating Our Future of Agricultural Lands and Open Space

The San Benito Agricultural Land Trust (SBALT) plays a crucial role in protecting agricultural 
lands in San Benito County, an area known for its rich soil and agricultural heritage. Our work is 
critical to preserving the land that sustains productive agriculture, provides habitat for 
wildlife, and supports the local economy.


To protect the land for the long term, we work with individual landowners and partners to secure 
conservation agreements that permanently restrict nonagricultural development. Since 1993, SBALT 
has protected 7,300 acres in conservation easement partnerships and fee title acquisitions.


SBALT is the only local land trust focused on preserving the unique farmland, rangelands, and 
natural spaces of San Benito County for generations to come. Without our efforts, San Benito 
County’s agricultural land would be at much greater risk of conversion to development. Read our full case statement here.


All-In San Benito

Start Your Sustaining Gift Today!
Your recurring donation to SBALT will provide a reliable source of funding enabling us to plan and implement conservation projects, support local agriculture, and ensure that future generations will enjoy the open spaces and agricultural lands that make our community exceptional.

The Mission of the San Benito Agricultural Land Trust is to conserve regionally significant lands that

sustain productive agriculture, preserve open space, and maintain the rural character of the county.

SBALT is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization  EIN 77-0338085.​


San Benito Agricultural Land Trust

P.O. Box 145, San Juan Bautista, CA  95045

Messages:  (831) 593-1030  


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All rights reserved 2023 San Benito Agricultural Land Trust

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